Taking Care Of Leah Page 2
“Here.” Leah passed her a wet wipe from a packet in her bag.
“Thanks,” the girl mumbled, smearing away her tear-streaked mascara and eyeliner. “They’re all bastards, aren’t they?”
Leah gave her a half-smile.
Stepping back into the club, she looked over the crowd, but still couldn’t spot either Ty or Rainie.
“There you are…”
Leah turned to see Ty, looking concerned.
“What happened?”
“Some idiot spilt his pint over me,” she said, waving her hands down her dress. “I’m going to go home.”
“No, you’re not.” He took her hand in his. The effect was immediate—her skin tingled as his fingers wrapped around hers. Her core clenched when he tugged her a bit closer. She could feel her throat tightening with anticipation.
“I’m sticky and stink of beer. Where’s Miss Smith?”
“In the VIP booth.” He let out a small laugh, stepping closer so that she could feel his breath against her ear. “I don’t want you to go home. Stay for a few drinks and then…” He stood in front of her, slipping a hand to the small of her back. “I’ll find you a shower.”
She swallowed, keeping her eyes on his as he dropped his glance to her mouth. It was going to happen and there wasn’t one bit of her that wanted to stop him. Her lips parted, drawing him in. He tasted better than she could ever have imagined, of warm whiskey and honey, blending together with the subtle scent of his aftershave.
Ty swiped his tongue over hers. Letting go of her hand, he lifted his palm to her cheek, his fingers tickling her ears, teasing the strands of hair that fell down her face. Their mouths moved in unison and for a moment Leah was oblivious to the noise and crowds around them.
“I have wanted to do that all year,” Ty said, pulling away. “Please stay.”
Breathless, her lips still parted and swollen, Leah nodded.
Rainie was drunk. She sat in one of the VIP booths, a line of empty test tubes lying on the table in front of her. She clutched a jug filled with a variety of alcohols, the straw between her pursed lips. Two laughing men flanked her. The one wearing a too-tight T-shirt leaned back and swept his arm around Rainie’s shoulders. Her clips had been lost, and her hair tumbled down in its natural state.
“Leah!” she called out, and stood up, wobbling until Tight T-shirt Man planted his hand on her backside, holding her up. “Whoop! Later…” She tossed him a wink and shifted from behind the table to give Leah a drunken hug.
“Okay, steady.” Ty took her arm and helped her back into the booth, where Tight T-shirt Man shuffled closer. Ty bent down and whispered something in his ear. Leah couldn’t hear what he had said, but whatever it was caused the man to inch away.
“I’ll give it an hour and then call her a taxi,” he said when he was back by Leah’s side. Snapping his fingers, he beckoned over a bouncer.
Leah stepped back and studied him. She was still stone-cold sober, and her mind worked with quick, precise thoughts to piece it all together. “You own this place, don’t you?” she asked, her eyebrows rising in surprise.
“I suppose you could say I have a vested interest.”
“You make no sense. You own a nightclub, but you work as a glorified caretaker at a secondary school.”
Ty placed a kiss on her cheek, holding on to her hips. “I said I have an interest, not ownership. Anyway, if I didn’t work at the school, I would never have met you.” He moved his mouth over hers, placing soft kisses along her bottom lip. “Would you like a drink?”
“Vodka, double, with a splash of Coke,” she said. “No ice.” If she was going to jump into bed with Ty Sinclair, she would need alcohol to boost her confidence.
She slipped onto the sweeping sofa next to another man, this one wearing a smart shirt. Tight T-shirt Man left her feeling uneasy. Rainie leaned over Smart Shirt Man. “This is…” She searched for names, but came up empty.
“Lance,” Shirt offered. “And this is Jerry.”
“Hi,” Leah smiled, although her voice couldn’t be heard over the cheers as Bryan Adams started singing about the summer of sixty-nine.
Ty returned holding a short tumbler. Leah knocked the drink back with two gulps. The warmth of the vodka slipped down her throat with ease, aiding her bravery. She stood up, heading for Ty. Hands clasped around his face, she pressed her lips to his.
“I need to get out of this dress,” she said against him.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t!” Rainie called as they left her with Lance and Jerry.
Chapter Three
Ty took her hand and walked her toward a door at the back of the building. The corridor was short but dark, with only two small wall lights illuminating their way. It wasn’t eerie, though.
Reaching a door at the far end, Ty took a plastic card from his back pocket and swiped it over a metal box on the wall. The door clicked and opened, showing them a small office. Ty rushed to the desk and cleared a space before turning around and beckoning her over to him.
Leah took a deep breath. Her thighs tightened together as her knickers dampened at the mere sight of him standing by the bare wooden desktop. She stood in front of him, and he surveyed her with dark green eyes. He ran his hand down her curves, stopping when he reached her hips.
“I was hoping that our first time would be over that desk of yours in the classroom,” he said, sweeping his palms around to grab her backside. “But this will do just as well.”
Bracing herself against him, she let him kiss her, parting her lips and inviting his tongue inside. The taste of his desire, his need, flooded her, seeping into her veins, and she was left wanting more. He toyed with the skirt of her dress, hitching it up until his palms were flattened against the fabric of her knickers. She hoped that he couldn’t feel the quaking of her legs.
“I had you down for a thong girl,” he said, lifting the dress up. Instantly Leah’s cheeks started to heat as she remembered what underwear she had on. “Arms,” he ordered, unabashed by the Spanx, and without any hesitation Leah stretched her fingers up to the ceiling, letting him peel her out of the outfit. Dropping it to the floor, Ty moved his hands to her breasts, massaging over the satin of her strapless bra. “I don’t like this,” he said, reaching behind her and unclipping it with one experienced hand. “That’s better.”
Dipping his head to her cleavage, he kissed the mound of her right breast, kneading the left as he swiped his tongue at her nipple. She sparked and responded with pride, her back arching, forcing her into his mouth. He grazed his teeth over the erect flesh before he went to the other, his hands groping her ass.
“Shit,” she exhaled as he lifted her onto her toes, which wasn’t an easy feat considering the heels she was still wearing, and the vodka that flowed in her bloodstream, mixing with sheer adrenaline.
Ty slipped his fingers into the band of her knickers, moving them down and over her hips. “I really don’t like these.” His voice was low and throaty. Shifting between her legs, he dropped to his knees. He pulled the knickers down to the ground and she lifted each foot without being asked, stepping out of them.
Before she could think about covering herself up, his mouth was on her, sucking at her clitoris while his palms and fingers pressed into her buttocks. Her knees buckled, but he held her up. His tongue swiped over her slit, tasting her as if she were a delicious meal. She let her own hands tangle with his ash-brown hair, fisting bunches and tugging on the roots. He moaned, the sound of his voice vibrating over her, sending shivers down her spine.
A fleeting thought of someone walking in broke the buildup. She was sure he noticed, since he stopped mouthing her. Standing up, he turned them so that she was resting against the desk, thighs still parted by his legs. He pressed a hand to where his mouth had been. His fingers exposed her, stroking at the wetness that had gathered.
The pad of his thumb circled her clitoris, taking in her heat. She closed her eyes, and as she tipped her head back, he rested his lips on her
throat. “You feel so good,” he murmured against her skin, dipping a single digit inside and eliciting a small groan of pleasure from her. Her cheeks burned. She was embarrassed by his brazenness and her reaction to his touch.
He slipped his finger in and out, giving a small twist as he exited her. She whimpered in disappointment. Gripping her backside, he lifted her onto the desk, moving closer so that she had no choice but to spread her legs wider. Leah looked down and saw the bulge of his erection. She reached between them, pressing a palm against him. He was hot and more than ready, but there was something in his eye that told her he wasn’t about to whip it out and fuck her senseless.
Keeping her eyes on his, she fiddled with the button of his trousers, slipping her hand inside and curling her fingers around his shaft. His stare darkened with desire and he pulsed under her touch. All she wanted to do was guide him into her. Giving him long, languid strokes, she rolled her thumb over his head, smearing the pearly liquid that oozed from his tip. The sudden surge in confidence caught her by surprise, but she put it down to the vodka.
Placing his fingers over hers, he pulled her hand away. He lifted her fingers to her mouth and set her damp thumb along her bottom lip. She ran her tongue along it. The divine taste of his need swirled around her mouth—musky, salty, masculine.
“I want you,” she said, surprised by the vulnerability that came with the words.
“I know,” he replied, massaging her breasts. “But not here.” It was then that she realized that while she was naked apart from a pair of heels, he was still fully clothed.
“This is a little unfair,” Leah said, taking a deep breath, filling his hand.
“Not for me.” Ty circled his thumb around her nipple. He let out an exaggerated sigh, releasing her and bending down to pick up her bra and dress. “Arms,” he said, and she held them out for him. He turned her around and clipped the bra into place with one hand, which left her wondering how many women he’d had.
He reached in front of her, rearranging her breasts until they were nestled into their cups. After helping her dress, he stepped back and studied her. The frustration grew inside her, filling her belly with a pressure she needed to be released. Wanting him became a craving.
“And my underwear?” she asked, unable to hide the irritation in her voice.
He picked up the pair of Spanx and stuffed them into his pocket. “Mine,” he said and flashed a grin. “Can’t have you hiding your beauty in these.”
“So what happens now?” she asked with a frown. Her heart beat loudly and she could feel the lump of disappointment grow in her throat as she readied herself for his response.
Ty put his finger under her chin, tilting her face to look at him. “Well, I was thinking that we should go back in there and make sure Rainie gets home, and then perhaps I could cook you breakfast.” He pressed his mouth against hers with a gentle kiss. “How does that sound?”
“I don’t usually eat breakfast,” Leah confessed. A relieved smile crept over her lips.
He led her back down the corridor and into the club. The music leaped into Leah’s ears, along with the cheers and yells from the crowd, which was now singing along to a Guns ‘n’ Roses classic.
Rainie had left the VIP booth, and so had Jerry and Lance. Ty glared at the bouncer he’d left in charge. “Where are they?” he shouted, loud enough to be heard above the noise. The bouncer nodded to the dance floor. Leah followed their stares, and sure enough there was Rainie, crushed between the two men, gyrating and welcoming the jungle.
“I’ll get her,” Leah offered, seeing the concern in Ty’s frown.
She pushed and shoved her way over to the threesome, hooking her arm through Rainie’s and tugging her free.
“Leah!” she greeted, wrapping her arms around Leah’s neck. Her cardigan had been unbuttoned to reveal a white camisole beneath.
“Rainie, I’m going home. I think you should too.”
“No, no, no! I’m having waaaay too much fun.” She faced the two men who were trying to encourage both women back onto the floor.
“I really think we should go,” Leah urged. “Please.”
“Oh, okay.” Rainie landed a playful slap on Leah’s chest. “Lemme say goodbye…” She twisted and wandered back to the dancers, blowing kisses at Jerry and Lance. Jerry walked toward them.
“You don’t want to have any fun?” he asked, getting a bit closer than Leah felt comfortable with.
“No,” Ty said, stepping in between them. “They don’t. Not with you.”
“Whatever, man,” Jerry said, holding his hands up in defense. He went back to dancing with his friend, taking no time to find other prey.
“Spoilsport,” slurred Rainie.
“Come on, time for bed.” Ty wrapped his arm around Rainie’s waist, holding her up. She let out an excited squeal as he more or less carried her out of the club. Leah followed behind, smiling to herself.
There was something about him that she found intriguing. He looked and sounded like Ty Sinclair, the school’s handyman, but that wasn’t who he was, and she was about to have great fun discovering the true him. Still, something caught her, holding her back from revealing her own secrets.
Chapter Four
They all slid into the taxi, Rainie squeezing in between Ty and Leah.
“I think I’m a little bit drunk.” She giggled, her head rolling onto Leah’s shoulder.
“Give me your phone,” Leah said, holding her hand out. Rainie obliged the request. Leah took her own out, never able to remember her own number. She started adding herself to Rainie’s contacts. “I’ve put my number in your address book. Text me tomorrow morning so I know you’re alive, please.”
“Will do, captain.” Rainie saluted.
The car pulled up to the curb and Ty opened his door, getting out and waiting for Rainie. Leah watched as Ty acted the complete gentleman, guiding Miss Smith to her door, even helping to find her keys.
Lights were flicked on as they went from room to room. Silhouettes broke through the thin upstairs curtains. He was helping her into bed, making sure that she was safe before retracing his steps, locking the door and posting the keys through the letterbox.
“I left her a note,” he said when he was back, sitting next to Leah. “She’s going to have a sore head tomorrow.”
“I’ve never seen her like that… How’d you know where she lived?”
“You missed the Christmas party.”
“Oh really?” Leah teased, nudging him with her elbow.
“Nothing like that.” He nudged back. “Lorraine Smith is an enigma. She looks like she should belong in a museum or a library, but when she’s had a couple…” He turned to look at her. “You haven’t heard the rumors, have you?”
“Rumors?” Leah pressed, although it was obvious he was about to divulge in every detail. And he did. Miss Lorraine Smith, it turned out, was as dirty as they come, having slept her way around the teaching staff, including Phillip Rendell, who was also screwing Mrs. Davis.
“Not sure I believe you,” Leah said when he’d finished telling her who was sleeping with whom. “It all sounds very…”
“Sordid? It is. But it’s also only gossip and hearsay.”
“How do you get to hear all of this?”
“Caretakers and handymen are invisible. We’re useful, but people forget we’re there and happily talk. I’m a bit like a wall with ears. For instance, who do you think was in the room last week when you were telling Janice Lewiston how much you’d like to bite the new biology teacher’s arse?”
Her cheeks flushed, as she remembered that she’d also said the same about his. She frowned, though, trying to remember a time that she hadn’t noticed him around. Ty let out a laugh.
The car rolled to a stop. Ty’s home was in the Bristolian suburbs, situated on the main road, but set back by a short driveway and garden. Even in the dark of night, Leah could tell that the lawn and shrubs were well kept.
“Looks like we have the pla
ce to ourselves,” Ty said, helping Leah out of the car. He passed some notes to the taxi driver before walking them both up the path.
“You have a housemate?”
“Yeah…” Ty slipped the key into the lock, opening the door. “You could say that. More of an old friend who is homeless and needs somewhere to crash for a bit. Only a few weeks has turned into a year, and he comes with a friend of his own.”
“I know the feeling.” She stepped into the house. It was warm and cozy, and not at all what she’d expected. For some reason she’d thought his home would be unfinished with a smell of grease. But it wasn’t.
Magnolia-colored walls ran throughout, broken up every now and then with a splash of color. The living room had a deep red feature wall, with a fireplace and a mirror above the mantel. No TV, she noted, but a record player in the far corner, and a huge box that she suspected was full of old vinyls.
She sat on the sofa, almost afraid that she would put a crease in the smooth seat. It swept around in almost a semicircle and was padded with oversize cushions, some fabric, some leather, but all in either cream or the same red as the wall. Ty left her alone for a few moments before returning with two short tumblers.
“Double vodka, splash of Coke, no ice.”
It slipped down, the sugar of the Coke and heat of the vodka mixing with perfection.
“I should probably apologize,” Leah said, interrupting the unwanted silence. “I don’t usually… I’m not normally so…”
“Forward?” he offered.
Leah nodded and finished the rest of her drink. Ty laughed, leaning into the sofa and stretching his arm across the back, his fingers dangling over the edge so that they tickled her neck.
Leah wrinkled her nose as the faint smell of beer made its way to her nostrils. She’d almost forgotten about the spillage down her front. Leaning closer to her, Ty took the tumbler from her grip. “The shower is upstairs,” he said.